Thursday, February 11, 2010

If I knew it was that easy...

About two years ago I the the awesome move of leaving my laptop on the floor. Of course, I stepped on it. Not on the edge or the corner where a crack wouldn't have made much difference but right in the middle of the screen. It was one of those moments that you think shouldn't have happened. The kind you wish you could take back and not do something stupid like that. Well, since I have no powers over the control of time I couldn't. When I booted up the laptop it was bad. Right in the middle of the screen looked like a big upside down consamant V. Everything outside of the V looked alright with the exception of some lines through part of it. What was inside the V was blank. This was not good. I called HP to ask about prices for repair. They told me $500. That was a little crazy. I mean the computer was three years old, a dinosaur. So I suffered through using an external monitor when I needed to use it.

Then, I realized I could buy a new screen for less than $100. I waited around for a while to decide if I really wanted to repair this one or if I wanted to look into getting a new one. Last week I decided to do it. I ordered the screen from (is there anything they don't sell?). In the manor of about 8 screws, a couple of plugs, and about 1 hour it was back up and running. As good as ne... As good as a 4 year old laptop with a new screen.

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