Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Chieftains

About a year ago Dawnielle and I tried to go see the band The Chieftains. This would have actually been one of our first dates. Unfortunately, there was a huge snowstorm here in Chicago and The Chieftains' flight was not able to make it here. This year they were met with sunny skies and near 40 degree temperature. Dawnielle and I went this past Sunday down to the Symphony Center in Chicago to see them.

From their website: "Six time Grammy winners, The Chieftains, are now recognized for bringing traditional Irish music to the world's attention. They have uncovered the wealth of traditional Irish music that has accumulated over the centuries, making the music their own with a style that is as exhilarating as it is definitive."

Best known for their traditional Irish flavor they have also teamed up with country and bluegrass musicians on their albums "Down the Old Plank Road" and "Further Down the Old Plank Road". And more recently tried their hand at some Scottish collaborations. When we saw them they had a Scottish singer, Alyth McCormack, that sang several songs with them. The Chieftains front man, Paddy Moloney, is quoted as saying. “It’s about time we join up with some Scots, considering we gave them the bagpipes and all.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great show :) I think The Foggy Dew was my favorite song they played.
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