Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Polar Plunge

I'm not sure what is is about being in Wisconsin... Maybe it is the smell of cheese and beer in the air. I'm not sure, but something about standing on a well frozen lake makes me want to pound a hole in the ice with a maul (a cross between an ax and a sledge hammer). When pounding a hole in a foot of ice you can really start to work up a sweat. What better way to cool down than a plunge into the icy depths of Camp Wonderland.

As you can see, the hole is just the right size to fit down in. Estimated dimensions of the ice hole: 1.25' x 9". With about a foot deep of ice, three feet of water, and some disgusting sludge at the bottom. This made for an easy in and out of the ice hole. Then a short jog over to a well intentioned bonfire and we were good as new.
Despite Matt's best efforts, we could only scrounge up two swimmers. I hear there are some pictures of us actually taking the plunge. I will update if those become available. I would like to take a moment to thank all of those who worked so diligently on the hole, having no intentions of going in themselves. Honors go to Mark, Mark, and Jonathan. Plus a special thank you to Mark who is now the proud owner of the maul which he purchased in order to help see Matt's dream realized. And to his wife who was slightly unthrilled about his newly acquired purchase.

I'm not entirely sure about the necessity of the blowtorch but it does make for an exciting photo.

1 comment:

jcroach said...

Nice. You didn't come up with any fish in your shorts, did you? Frozen slim seems a little less gross than thawed slime.